
Author(s) Article Pages
Milan Mesaric Neo-Liberalism vs. Planning as a Institute of Socio-Economic Development 5-20
Elena S. Vakulenko, Nikita V. Mkrtchyan and Kirill K. Furmanov Econometric Analysis of Internal Migration in Russia 21-33
Jurij Osipov Alternative Interpretation of Economics 35-53
Oleg Sukharev Elementary Model of Institutional Change and Economic Welfare 55-64
Mirjana Dokmanovic and Danica Drakulic Family, Social Networks and Gender Inequalities at the Labour Market in Serbia 65-72
Bojan Kostandinovic and Branislav Masic The Use of Balanced Scorecard Concept and Its Impact on Achieving Results in the Automotive Industry of the Global Environment 73-83
Veselin Draskovic and Zorica Grego Media Concentration, Neoliberal Paradoxes and Increase in Virtuality 85-99
Julia Pinkovetskaya Production Functions for Analysing Activity of Small Enterprises 101-109
Volodimir Ponomarenko, Ludmila Маlyaretz and Oleksandr Dorokhov Genesis and Methodological Foundations of Multidimensional Data Analysis in the Social and Economic System 111-120
Romana Franjic Animator in Cultural Tourism as a Manager of Experience 121-127
Dasen Jasprica The Relevance of the City of Dubrovnik in Regional Touristic Development at the Beggining of 21st Century 129-138
Michael Ederstone Media Concentration in Australia 139-144
Mimo Draskovic Concentration of Media Ownership as a Global Phenomenon 145-152
Daniil Frolov Nanotechnologies: Threats and Risks 153-159
Milica Jaksic and Miomir Jaksic Regulatory Bodies in Energy Sector: Energy Agency of Republic of Serbia Case 161-167