
Author(s) Article Pages
Tomislav Bandin From the Globalization Maelstrom to the Globalization Congruence as a Legal Civilization Result 5-13
Evgeny Popov and Maxim Vlasov Knowledge Differentiation 15-22
Veselin Draskovic and Mimo Draskovic Neo-Institutionalism, Neo-Liberalism, and Global Financial Crisis 23-32
Slobodan Lakic Financial Crisis - Imbalance of Risk Profiles 33-44
Yukichika Kawata Fishery Resource Recovery Strategy for two Bastard Species 45-50
Sofija Adzic Local Policy for Neutralization of Conflictsin the Project of Development of Public-Private Partnership 51-62
Drago Pupavac Soaring Transport Costs – Factor of Reversible Globalization Process 63-68
Julia Pinkovetskaya Status and Development of Small Business in the Russian Federation 69-73
Mimo Draskovic Importance of Global Logistic Networks for Maritime Transport 75-86
Vassiliki Delitheou The Contribution of Incentives Policies in Attracting FDI and Fostering Regional Development in Greece 87-93
Vasilije Kostic Entrepreneurial Management of Small Business –Problems in Theoretical and Practical Field 95-100
Silvana Đurasevic Clusters as the Base for the Regional Development in Tourism 101-109
Milan Gasovic The Theoretical Assumptions of Marketing Applicationin Non Profit Organizations 111-115
Lidia Kocurova The Global Financial ... Crisis??? 117-122
Nesko Uscumlic Innovation Model in Isurance Company 123-134
Jelena Aleksic Project Methodological Framework of Risk Management 135-142
Dragan Radovic The Risk as a Economics and Project Management Phenomenon 143-150
Vesna Kocic-Vugdelija The Impact of Costs and Ways of Organizing the Distribution of the Margin of Farmers 151-156