
Author(s) Article Pages
Vladimir Kascelan and Bosko Radulovic Insurance Companies in the Financial Market in the Region 5-15
Ljiljana Kascelan nad Biljana Rajkovic Business Intelligence Model for Customers Analysis for a Sales Company 17-27
Bozidar Roca and Ruzica Kovac Znidersic Comunication Effects in Retail Through Consumers Social Network 29-33
Veselin Draskovic and Radislav Jovovic Knowlede Processes Inovation – Dynamic Aproach to Changes of Enterpirse in the Knowledge Economy 35-46
Nenad Vunjak and Tamara Antonijevic Management Strategy of Bank Credit Portfolio 47-54
Milenko Popovic Theoretical and Methodological Framework for Analysis and Regulation of Spatial Procesess in Montenegro 55-72
Sofija Adzic The Small Business Credit Market in the Transition Countries – the Case Study of Serbia 73-82
Valeriy Malishev On Possible Change-Over Reproduction Process in Rossian Economy 83-94
Zdenka Djuric Theory Basis In Stocks Value And Prices Estimates 95-102
Aleksandar Grubor Service Marketing Competitiveness in the New Economy 103-110
Mimo Draskovic Economic Development of Montenegro and European Union from the Aspect of Convergency Criterion 111-119
Jelena Zugic The Foreign Direct Investment in Function of Improvement Competitiveness Company from Transition Countries 121-128
Ivana Cerovic Risk Management in Electronic Banking 129-133
Dragan Radovic Risk in Project Management 135-139
Ljiljana Vujosevic Strategic Importance of Business Functions for Development and Investment 141-150